Michiana Christian Camp has the opportunity to share its natural environment each year with thousands of people—children and adults alike. We strive to be wise stewards of what God has given and continue to look for ways to improve our service opportunities with facilities and programs for all ages. We need your help to make these things possible.

We Need You!

Have you been searching for a place to serve using the gifts and talents that God uniquely placed in you? There are several opportunities for you to serve at camp! You can be a faculty member, volunteer in the kitchen or in the office. You can also help maintain our facilities, whether that be cleaning, mowing, or planting flowers. There is always something that you can do to serve at Michiana Christian Camp. Fill out the form below to get started.

Volunteer Forms

The volunteer forms page contains a complete list of all necessary forms.

Kitchen Volunteers

Sign up on our Google Calendar to serve! We need kitchen volunteers from 10am-2pm daily. Help make cookies, do dishes, serve lunch, etc. Be a part of the fun of camp!

Click here to sign up!

We Need YOU!

Are you and your family tired of being cooped up inside? Are you looking for a way to serve? Please check out this list and call the office to set up a time to come serve! There is something for every skill level and age!

  1. Cut, Split, and Stack wood

  2. Rake Trails

  3. Organize “Maintenance Hill” area

  4. Paint Pool Bathhouse

  5. Wash all of the camp windows

  6. Spray for overgrown weeds in all gravel areas

  7. Tend to flower beds (weed, mulch)

  8. Weed eat and ground maintenance

  9. Clean out and fill cracks in Basketball court

  10. Trim low lying branches around the property

  11. Sand and seal playground equipment